dimanche 18 mai 2014

How to wear a jean jacket?

hijab fashion inspiration

Because it’s classic and because every girl has one in her wardrobe, I think it’s time to talk about the jean jacket!! Why?? Because it’s a must have and an hyper fashion accessory that should be handled with a great care, that’s why you need to know the key to wear your jacket without a hitch:

1- Never wear the jean jacket with another … jean !! cause it’s too much and when it’s too much it becomes unfashionable.
2- The best combination is with a maxi skirt or a dress. 
3- Keep it simple with the colors (black , s)
 4- Add a handbag and some jewelry, rings, bracelets, necklaces silver is better.  

Some inspiration pictures

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

hijab fashion inspiration

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